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Does the Wrap-Up exclusion found in many Trade Contractors’ General Liability program fill you with dread? This exclusion has historically been a...
There is a lot of planning that goes into a Construction project, and everything costs money! From the materials, property, salaries, Trade...
Contractors’ insurance programs are often written under a commercial package policy (CPP). A CPP is a package policy, which is a single policy that...
You’ve decided to implement an OCIP (Owner Controlled Insurance Program) for your next construction project. In doing so, your company will reap the...
Providing insurance for a Construction project can seem overwhelming at times! Basically, there are two options that you have: the Traditional...
Whether this is your first construction project or you’re a seasoned expert, finding the right CIP is key to the success of your project and...
Trade Contractors who are enrolled on a Wrap-Up Project, or CIP, are covered for their work on-site by the insurance contained within the program....
Whether you are an Owner, General Contractor or Developer, Wrap-Up Administration is the key to your OCIP. For a Wrap-Up to be successful, the wrap...
There are many factors that go into determining whether a Wrap-Up will be successful or not, and Administration is one of those crucial components....