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Becoming disabled while on the job is a scary situation. Whether it’s a temporary disability, like breaking a leg or a permanent disability such as...
When dealing with Workers’ Compensation insurance, there are two components to the insurance policies. The first part consists of Workers’...
As a policyholder, you may recognize that there are some California Workers’ Compensation Premium Assessment Rate changes. In 2022, policyholders can...
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many companies to shift their work environments. As we enter 2021, many employees are still in a hybrid...
Is this the first time your company needs to enroll in a Wrap-Up program? As you fill out the paperwork, you will need to know what your Risk ID...
What is an EMR? The best way to understand EMR (Experience Modification Rate) is to think of it as a Credit Score. With a Credit Score, there are...
Over the course of a construction project, Contractors may be asked to submit two different types of payroll for work performed on a particular...
Accidents happen, and sometimes employees are injured and cannot return to work immediately. It’s important to understand your claim benefits....
Navigating the Workers’ Compensation (WC) system can be confusing and overwhelming. Injured employees need to feel comfortable with the system, with...