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As a contractor, you may be wondering if a captive is right for you, as they have recently been gaining in popularity. However, captives are not a...
Have you considered self-insurance as an option for your company’s risks? Self-Insurance plans are when the insured takes the risk on themselves but...
Recently, Alternative Risk Financing options are gaining more attention. Before discounting these options, take a look into Captives. Companies that...
As a business owner, you have a lot to manage. Some things you might do on ‘auto-pilot’ just because you have always done them that way. Does...
Last week, we defined what an insurance captive is and the 3 most common types of captives. This week, we will explore if such a performance-based...
Have you heard the term insurance captive and wondered what it was or if one was right for your construction company? Let’s take a closer look at the...