First time enrolling in a Wrap-Up insurance program? Here are 4 items you should have available to expedite the enrollment process with any Wrap...
You’ve been awarded a contract on a project that is being covered by Controlled Insurance Program (CIP), or more commonly known as a Wrap-Up. The...
Once you’ve properly defined the risk being considered for a Wrap-Up, you’ll work with your broker to develop a marketing submission that will be...
Real Estate development is a business process that focuses on the overall development and renovation of a property, whether that is an existing...
A key factor when considering a CIP or Wrap-Up is having the broker conduct a feasibility study for the Wrap-Up Sponsor. A feasibility study is a...
Expensive insurance premiums are often buried into the cost of your building projects. This can add millions to what you pay and provide little...
Construction projects present unique risks and complexities that are a distinct departure from your overall insurance needs as a real estate...
As a contractor, you should be aware if your corporate insurance policy has a Wrap-Up Exclusion. This exclusion can potentially create issues for you...
Having an effective closeout strategy is critical to successfully completing your Wrap-Up program. The overall process of a program closeout starts...