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When working on a construction project and participating in a Wrap-Up, you are generally required to submit daily, weekly or monthly payroll reports...
Jobsites have a number of risks and it is important to be covered when working on a project. An OCIP, Owner Controlled Insurance Program, is an...
As an owner with a construction project and an eye towards risk management, you might not realize there are different Controlled Insurance Programs...
When you are starting a new Wrap-Up project, you will need to provide copies of your insurance rate pages. But how do you find this information?...
Are you working on a project covered by a Wrap-Up? Do you have to enroll in the program and are not sure where to start? Luckily, we’re here with 3...
Construction is on the rise! Not only is there an increase in new construction jobs; the volume has gone up as well. Due to the increase, Owners and...
If you are working on a Wrap-Up, it can be hard to know what to do when you have finished your work. There are a few different questions you may...
When enrolling in a Wrap-Up, you may be asked for your company’s Risk ID number (Risk Identification Number). Continue reading to discover 5 points...
Typically, Wrap-Up programs require subcontractors to submit payroll for work done on a project site. Below are 4 tips on submitting payroll on a...