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You’ve heard the saying, cash is king? Well, it really is. Managing your cash flow is key to your success in the construction industry. As a...
Based on the article Global Construction shared in early June, an agreement was signed ending the court case brought by both the State of California...
In 2020, the insurance industry not only dealt with the Hard Market but also faced a lot of new challenges. One of the most prominent ones being,...
As the Insurance Hard Market continues, Carriers are reducing their appetite for risk. This means Carriers are not insuring:
As your company’s insurance premiums start to renew, it’s important to understand that price increases are occurring because of the Insurance Hard...
As a Contractor, you are familiar with stiff competition, slim profit margins, and severe weather working conditions. One thing that you might not...
An unexpected construction trend resulting from the Pandemic is the increase in modular construction. This method is a type of prefab construction....
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many companies to shift their work environments. As we enter 2021, many employees are still in a hybrid...
Small businesses in the United Kingdom (U.K.) celebrated a tremendous victory in the courts on Friday, January 15, 2021. The U.K. Supreme Court...