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As a construction Owner, no matter your company’s size, you are constantly taking risks. It’s part of your nature as an Entrepreneur. However, there...
Every construction project presents a host of potential risks that need to be addressed. Although it’s no guarantee that you can eliminate all of...
It’s evident that the cost of an insurance program rarely goes down. Unfortunately, being in a Hard Market, we’ve seen insurance coverage rates...
As we begin 2021, we reflect on everything that happened this past year - from a global pandemic to civil unrest to natural catastrophes. Through all...
The insurance marketplace moves in cycles as the pendulum swings back and forth between low demand and high supply—known as a “soft” market—to high...
When an Insurance Company is looking to write a policy to cover an Insured (i.e. Owner, General Contractor, or Trade Contractor, etc.), they are...
Owners, General Contractors, Developers, and even Trade Contractors take on a certain amount of risk when hiring any contractor, regardless of the...
Did you know the construction contract you signed contained a clause that transferred any risk from the project owner or general contractor to your...
Safety management in a construction project should be second nature, but sometimes contractors may neglect important safety practices. When a...