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What is the Wrap-Up Enrollment Start Date?
As a contractor, when enrolling into a CIP or Wrap-Up program, there is often enrollment paperwork that needs to be completed before a contractor can...
Wrap Administration Reporting
As the Sponsor (Owner, or General Contractor) for a Wrap-Up program, you should be aware of the types of reporting your Wrap Administrator should be...
Is your Wrap Administration Team CRIS® certified?
As the owner of a large construction project – whether it is a new mixed-use retail space, new hospital or new college library, there are many...
Information Required to Enroll in a Wrap-Up Program
Contractor’s working on a Controlled Insurance Program (CIP or Wrap-Up) jobsite, are often required to enroll in the Wrap-Up program. When a...
The Wrap-Up Closeout Report
Having an effective closeout strategy is critical to successfully completing your Wrap-Up program. The overall process of a program closeout starts...