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There may come a time during the course of a construction project when a contractor’s relationship is terminated. There are a number reasons this may...
Reinsurance is when an insurance company transfers risk to other parties by a formal agreement—thereby lessening its liability on catastrophic or...
A General Indemnity Agreement (GIA) is a legal document that outlines the Surety/client relationship. As a contractor, it is important to understand...
A General Indemnity Agreement (GIA) is essential in terms of risk transfer, and it is a necessary component of obtaining surety bonds. The GIA is a...
A change order is work that is added or eliminated from the original scope of work of a construction contract. This may positively or negatively...
All contractors know there are significant risks on every project that are inherent in the construction industry. A contractor's potential risk...
The construction industry has its fair share of legal terms, especially when it comes to contracts. Some important ones to understand are those...
These days, it would be difficult, if not impossible, to find a business that is not exposed to a certain level of risk in its day-to-day operations....
Let’s say you are a Trade Contractor working on a project and your contract requires that you waive your subrogation rights. If you do not have a...