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There can be a myriad of problems when a Contractor cannot fulfill its contractual obligation in connection with a construction project. This puts...
Construction contracts can be overwhelming when you’re not looking at them every day. That’s why it’s important to understand your contract and the...
In today’s construction climate, building projects and construction contracts can be extremely complex. A Contractor must become thoroughly familiar...
If you stop and think about it for a moment, why does anyone refer back to a contract? It’s, unfortunately, when a problem arises. Depending on what...
Triggering a Force Majeure is about living by the exact words. These clauses are typically interpreted with a very narrow view. The words are...
A common requirement you’ll find in a construction contract is for any hired contractor to provide additional insured status to parties within the...
When working on a construction project, the company you are working for may ask to be an Additional Named Insured or an Additional Insured. It’s easy...
Often, the terms named insured and additional insured get lumped together to be interchangeable. However, that is not the case. Keep reading to learn...
Does the Wrap-Up exclusion found in many Trade Contractors’ General Liability program fill you with dread? This exclusion has historically been a...