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We’ve all heard of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) that provides $1.2 trillion in Federal funds for transportation infrastructure,...
When dealing with Workers’ Compensation insurance, there are two components to the insurance policies. The first part consists of Workers’...
As a contractor, when enrolling into a CIP or Wrap-Up program, there is often enrollment paperwork that needs to be completed before a contractor can...
Builder’s Risk is a type of property insurance that focuses on providing coverage for buildings during the construction process. This insurance plan...
Risk Management is the practice of identifying and analyzing loss exposures and taking steps to minimize the financial impact of the risk they...
As the Sponsor (Owner, or General Contractor) for a Wrap-Up program, you should be aware of the types of reporting your Wrap Administrator should be...
As a contractor, you may be wondering if a captive is right for you, as they have recently been gaining in popularity. However, captives are not a...
Have you considered self-insurance as an option for your company’s risks? Self-Insurance plans are when the insured takes the risk on themselves but...
When beginning work on a project, it’s often required that the contractors have surety bonds in place. However, not only can a surety bond protect a...