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Builder’s Risk Update: S. Capitol Bridgebuilder V. Lexington Ins. Co.
In recent years, large Builder’s Risk policies have included coverage terms from the London Engineering Group (LEG) that expand coverage by...
Vicarious Liability & Additional Insured Endorsements Ruling
Last year, an Eleventh Circuit ruling in Cincinnati Specialty Underwriters, Ins. Co v KNS Group (11th Cir. Oct. 2022) addressed issues related to...
How A Late Claims Notice Can Affect Owners
A federal appeals court ruled that Zurich Insurance was correct in denying coverage to Harvard University because of “lack of timely notice.”
Florida Tort Reform Bill Becomes Law
On March 24, 2023, Florida’s governor signed a new tort reform bill (H.R. 837) into law (the “Act”). The Act changes areas of Florida law that have...
Wage & Hour Coverage: The Hidden Costs of Overtime Pay
One way to identify risks for your company is to look at the insurance industry and what areas they have identified as threats. These are referred to...
What is a Holdback?
Property insurance policies can be written on a Replacement Cost Valuation (RCV) basis or on an Actual Cost Value (ACV) basis. Replacement Cost...
Combat Auto Liability Claims
Going into the pandemic Commercial Auto insurance was a very “distressed” line of coverage. The industry was operating at 119% loss ratio through the...
How to Analyze a Jobsite Accident
Accidents are inevitable, but lessons learned are valuable tools to help prevent similar accidents from happening in the future. Critical analysis...
Considerations for New York’s New Insurance Disclosure Requirements
On December 31, 2021, New York enacted into law the most extensive liability insurance disclosure requirements in the country. Defendants in New York...