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The construction industry has started picking up the pieces from COVID-19. Together, we have learned new lessons and developed new strategies for the...
Managing Worker’s Compensation (WC) claims for your employees can be complex and tricky. Here is a breakdown of the claims process to assist you in...
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have the most significant and widespread economic impact since World War II. Unfortunately, there are no...
In today’s construction climate, building projects and construction contracts can be extremely complex. A Contractor must become thoroughly familiar...
Last week we began the dialogue on possible COVID-19 claims and what, if any, insurance coverage could be triggered. This week, we will expand that...
As the COVID-19 pandemic touches the construction industry at large, there are many questions surrounding insurance coverage on a job site and...
Navigating the Workers’ Compensation (WC) system can be confusing and overwhelming. Injured employees need to feel comfortable with the system, with...
No matter how safe your company may be, accidents are unfortunately inevitable—and when accidents happen, claims will follow. Did you know when a...
Professional liability insurance protects professionals such as attorneys, accountants and consultants. Most professional liability policies only...