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Insurance carriers have cited the Montrose decision since the 1995 California Supreme Court ruling in Montrose Chemical Corp. v. Admiral Insurance...
Additional insured (AI) coverage is a common trigger of coverage disputes. The fact of the matter is that not all AI forms are created equally. To...
Last year, an Eleventh Circuit ruling in Cincinnati Specialty Underwriters, Ins. Co v KNS Group (11th Cir. Oct. 2022) addressed issues related to...
A federal appeals court ruled that Zurich Insurance was correct in denying coverage to Harvard University because of “lack of timely notice.”
As a contractor, you should be aware if your corporate insurance policy has a Wrap-Up Exclusion. This exclusion can potentially create issues for you...
Contracts are often complicated and if you are not an expert in reading them, sometimes important details can be overlooked. There are significant...
In a contract, you are contractually bound by the indemnification article to pay for liabilities in whatever form you prefer. Payment of potential...
As a Contractor, you wear a lot of hats – salesperson, customer service, quality control, etc. You understand you cannot be satisfied with the status...
The National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) and Safe Site Check-In shared the results of a workforce survey. This survey consisted of...