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New York’s construction industry presents many challenges from an insurance and risk management standpoint. One way the insurance industry has...
As of today, there are 2 dozen carriers offering some type of environmental or pollution coverage. The most common coverages offered are Contractor’s...
Subcontractor Default Insurance (SDI) provides insurance for General Contractors against default from a subcontractor. The coverage is an alternative...
A workers’ compensation deductible plan has become a more popular option among contractors. Whether it is a small or large deductible plan, this plan...
A common requirement you’ll find in a construction contract is for any hired contractor to provide additional insured status to parties within the...
The insurance marketplace moves in cycles as the pendulum swings back and forth between low demand and high supply—known as a “soft” market—to high...
The forecast that the construction sector will continue its growth pattern reflects the strength of the economy even late in this business cycle. A...
When we look back at the U.S. economy this year, we see it performed reasonably well during the first half of 2019. Job growth for the economy as a...
Have you heard the saying, you go where the job is? Well, this rings true for most contractors, as they often find work outside the state where their...