Workers’ Compensation is a form of insurance that provides wage replacement and medical benefits to employees, if they are injured during the course of employment. Continue reading to learn about 6 benefits to having Workers’ Comp insurance and why it's so important!
Did you know that worker’s comp is available in all states? Each state has different regulations and requirements for workers' compensation and can protect your company and employees even if your company only has 1 employee.
Workers’ comp pays for medical care, which can help employees recover from an injury or illness caused at work.
Payments can be provided to employees by workers’ compensation insurance, if wages are lost because of the injury.
Workers’ comp insurance can cover payments, if the ailment does not recover completely.
If the employee does not recover completely, payments for rehabilitation or retraining are covered through workers’ compensation insurance.
Workers’ comp insurance provides payment to surviving members of the employee, if the employee dies from the job injury.
The benefit to having workers’ compensation insurance only protects your company. This removes the ability of your employee to sue your company for negligence in the workplace environment. Your employee is compensated, avoiding potentially lengthy legal proceedings.
If you have any questions regarding Workers’ Compensation or other insurance policies you may give TSIB a call today at 201-267-7500! You may also download TSIB's eBook, "Experience Modification Rate (EMR) 101" below, and learn how you can stop paying more than you should for Workers' Compensation Insurance.
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